Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Sorrow of Leaving Friends Behind...

Greetings! I hope all is well with everyone reading. The past few days have been really good. We have definitely stayed busy, except for a few hours toward the end of the day. The late hours of the night are usually very laid back... meaning we have nothing to do! Haha. But its a great time for reading, reflection on the day, and some relaxation.

Today was our last day at EMS. The experience there has been priceless. There are so many things that I have learned during my short week and a half experience there. I would have to say that the most devastating thing I have seen and learned from is the lack of opportunity the children in general have here. I've talked to so many of them about their dreams and aspirations for the future. They want to be doctors, actors, football players, teachers and so many other things that seem perfectly normal. All of these things would be quite obtainable with hard work if they were growing up where I did, in the United States for example. But most of these goals are unreachable for these children. I talked to one child specifically, and many others share his same predicament. He has one year left in primary school and is a very bright young boy. He in particular wants to be an actor. He would love to go to secondary school upon graduation (which is more or less equivalent to high school in the US) and then onto a university... but he doesn't even think he will make it to secondary school. His parents, being missionaries out in the bush, don't have enough money to send him to secondary school... so he thinks that when he graduates primary, he will have to move to the bush with them and just take up farming. I'm not saying that living as a farmer with his parents is a bad thing, or that this boy going back with his parents might not be God's will and desire for his life. All I'm saying is that it is heartbreaking to see the difference between the opportunities I had growing up and the ones these children have. Most of their dreams are unreachable. I will fervently pray that by the grace of God these children can reach their highest goals and strive to be more than they can fathom, but for many of them its not a likely reality. It has made me so much more appreciative of what I've been given growing up. Its shown me how truly blessed I have been and how to waste a single opportunity laid before my feet would be to kick dirt in the faces of these children. I'm sorry for the strong words, but it just breaks my heart. Please pray for them. Pray that by God's amazing grace that they will be able to live lives worthy of our Lord. I've been searching and asking God how things can be like this. Why was I blessed with so much, and these children with so little? Its been a real lesson learned and has helped me to trust God and his plan all the more. I don't know exactly why things are the way they are, but I know that God still has a plan for these children. Their future career aspirations are in most cases probably not what God has in mind... but he has something much greater for them all. I've started praying that God will hold these children lovingly in his arms every day of their childhood lives until they grow into the maturity of following him. At that point in their lives, they will be able to see why God has brought them through everything they have been through. They will understand their purpose, and their calling in this life. And I assure you, their testimonies will stand like a light in the darkness. If only they stay strong unto the Lord, he will be glorified through them and their lives will be greater than anything they can even dream of right now. Thats the hope that has gotten me through this... the heartache of seeing a child whose wings have been clipped, a child who isn't given every opportunity to succeed. Please pray the same prayer for these children. Pray that God keeps them and holds them for all of their days, so that his plan and purpose will come to fruition through their lives.

Amidst the many other lessons I've been learning through this experience, I have gotten to encourage and love on so many kids. It has been an absolute blessing to my life. It was so hard to leave today, especially with 23 kids standing there staring at you with "puppy dog" eyes. I told them all that today was my last day about half way through the day. They all didn't want me to leave and spent most of the rest of the day staying as close to me as they could. I was blessed to be able to continue to encourage and bless Chalida. I got the picture of us printed off (pictured below) and through prayer wrote the best possible message I could on the back of it.

I wrote Jeremiah 17:7-8 and then followed that up with a message that encouraged him and urged him to never give up and to never stop trusting in the Lord. I know its something he will hold onto for as long as he can. It was priceless to see the smile on his face after he finished reading the note on the back. I can't thank you all enough for the prayers for this child. God has used me in a great way to encourage him and hopefully shape his future, and your prayers have been just as influential as I have. I prayed for all of the children before class dismissed today and got them all to come outside for a final group picture.

Please keep all of these children in your prayers! Thank you so much for all of the prayers up to this point, they have been so instrumental in everything that has happened. I hope hearing about EMS and the children has blessed your life even just a fraction of how much it has blessed mine.

The next two days, we will be visiting children from a local orphanage and going on some field trips with them. We will be with the group from Cincinnati that we met so it should be alot of fun! Please pray that we will be able to positively influence and encourage the children from the orphanage over the next two days. Pray also that God would continue to teach us from their lives and their stories.

On a different note, I had band practice yesterday and we are learning a new song entitled "Clean Heart". I actually have an influential part in this song, and I definitely have some practicing to do before Sunday. Please pray that God would bless me in that area and help me to get my guitar part down so I will be able to play in unity with the band for God's glory.

I can't seem to think of anything else to write right now. Everything here is going really well. I can't thank everyone enough for the comments on the blog, the emails, and all the messages. They are such an encouragement and give me a great strength knowing that I have all of this support behind me. Please continue to pray for my growth in the Lord. Pray that God would grant me with an unquenchable thirst for scripture and that He would teach me and guide me through that very scripture. Jonathan our house attendant has come down with some sickness, so keep him in your prayers also. Pray for God's provision and guidance over the next two days and this weekend. Next week, by God's grace I will be headed to the Evangel Hospital to volunteer there. I will post more updates later, so until then... my love goes out to all of you!

Grace and Peace from a God who holds the plan for every one of our lives in His hand


Anonymous said...


I'm absolutely in awe when I read your blogs. Tears fill my eyes. You are having such a beautiful influence on so many. I too feel blessed when you sign off. God bless you and we are continuing to pray for you.

Love, Laura and Dick

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks too, as I read your words and like Laura says, tears fill my eyes as I contemplate the questions that you have struggled with regarding the circumstances of these beautiful young children. Yet, at the same time, a sense of blessing comes over me as your mom because it is evident from the power of your written words, that in 8 short days, God has taught you in the depths of your soul what your Dad and I have tried to teach you through our words for the past 19 years! Praise be to the name of God, wisdom and power are His! (haha couldn't resist testing the first part of my memory verses on you again)!

So yeah, I'll encourage you once again by paraphrasing Luke 12:48..... to whom much is given, much is expected! I love the Message version: Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!

I will be praying that your witness to these children over the past 8 days will stay with them for their lifetime and close this topic by reminding you that you have already seen the evidence of God's amazing power to do for these children exactly what you are asking him to do, so despite your sadness over their present circumstance, be joyful in knowing that you have done your part in His plan for their futures in Him! You are the young person of long ago in Shaku's life - I'll bet thinking of it that way makes you smile!

An "influential role" - is that like the "lead singer" haha! I'm Impressed, but not surprised. I will be praying for you. I know that God will use your willing heart and newly developing skills to bless the congregation as you worship Him!

Unlike you (haha) I can think of tons more to write, but I hate to be called a "silly school girl" again by Terry, so I'll close by reminding you how blessed and honored I am to be the mom of such a wonderful young man, who loves the Lord and others so deeply. I'll continue counting down ..... woo hoo only 24 more to go!

All my love,

vickie said...


You are an amazing you man! Your blogs are such an inspiration to me (as a parent) as I try to do God's will raising Ian and Matthew. Every evening they ask if I have read your blogs, you have such a positive impact in their lives as well as the children that you are interacting with there. I pray for you every day and will continue to as well as those with and around you. My eyes are also filled with tears when I read your blogs...I am so touched, but I am also saddened that I have not been more a part of your life as you were growing up. My children look up to you, but I know in my heart they do not know how blessed they are to have such a wondeful cousin in you and your sister. I LOVE you ---- stay safe!

Love ya!