Monday, July 21, 2008

Only 2 more weeks...

Greetings everyone! Looking at a calendar, it seems I only have 2 weeks left here in Nigeria... how time has really flown by for me. I'm sure it has gone by quickly for everyone else as well though... thats the nature of time it seems.

Anyways, Chuck arrived safely in Jos yesterday, so thanks for the prayers. It was great to be reunited with him as well as get some gifts from home. All the "sweets" here aren't really sweets. People here have very different tastes, and sweet foods and candy aren't something they are very big on. I have a huge sweet tooth, so I've missed that alot. But yesterday... when the gifts arrived, I don't think I've ever been so happy as when I saw those peanut butter cookies =D

All silliness aside.. today is a preparation day. Chuck is here to teach a class at JETS along with the many other things he will be doing. Brittany and I will have to help him with various tasks, but we also have to find things for ourselves to keep doing these next two weeks. Whether that be continued volunteer work at the hospital, or somewhere else we aren't sure yet. Please pray that God directs both of us and guides our paths to exactly where He would want us for the next two weeks. Right now, it is looking like the trip up to the Kambari village is something that might not happen on this trip. We used up alot of our money that we didn't plan on using when we took the trip to Benin City with Bola for the NIFS project. I know God's will shall be done, so I'm not worried about wheter or not the Kambari trip will still happen... but I'm hoping it does =D

Please continue to pray for my spiritual growth. Pray that God would use me to bless other people's lives here, and pray that I would strengthen the relationships I've already made here. Pray that God would cover everything I do in His grace. Please keep praying for Chuck and Brittany as well. Thank you so much for all the time you've put into keeping up with the blogs and praying, it is a blessing that our team here does not overlook.. and moreso something that God doesn't overlook. Have a blessed day... until next time.

Grace and Peace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually as of my comment post - 11days 21hours, but who's counting?
Haha - I am!
Love ya,