Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kambari Outreach... we need your prayers!!!

Greetings everyone! I hope all is well with you. It seems like a while since I posted last... but nothing major came up... until now =P

As you know, a few weeks ago Brittany and I went with The Gilead Initiative for the Less Privileged to the Masira village for a medical outreach. I don't have the exact statistics in front of me, but I will do my best to quote what I read earlier. The results are very encouraging, so I wanted to share them with all of you to show you how much your prayers helped in the outreach. The project hoped to have 30 volunteers show up, and we made it to Masira with 39 people. They were hoping to be able to administer medical help to 150 villagers, they ended up treating 139. Of the 139 who medical help were given to, 100 or more of them were given clothing. All of the 139 who were given medical help talked with counselors and received the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Between the people who accepted Christ when the counselors shared with them and those who heard through door to door evangelism that was done in the village, 91 people gave their lives to Christ! Along with that, the village leader starting attending a Christian church the very next day which will lead the way for many more in the village to find Christ. Praise the Lord for this work He has done in Masira village. We should join with heaven in celebrating the 91 souls that came to Christ through the outreach. Your prayers were vital to this success, so thank you so much!!...

And now I come before you again asking for prayers. I hope you have seen the importance and potency that your prayers have on our success here... so please keep praying. Tomorrow morning a team of 6 people, myself, Chuck, Brittany, and 3 other Nigerians will be traveling 10 hours North to Kebi State to visit the Kambari people. This is the anti-western tribe that we talked so much about before leaving the states. This entire project will be with and under ECWA, and will be the first outreach made by ECWA to the Kambari people. There are several thousand people in this group and the success or failure of our outreach could determine their spiritual futures. Please please please pray for this mission to the Kambari. We will be leaving Friday morning, spending the day in the village on Saturday, and returning on Sunday. We will be making contacts in the village and expressing interest to help them in whatever areas they need... in hopes of being able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Thousands of people there haven't heard the gospel which I know I have taken for granted so often. Please pray for the success of our trip, so the lives and souls of the Kambari people will come to be blessed in the future. I know this is a large thing to pray for, so I hope to help by including some very specific prayer requests:

-Pray for the safety of our team, in both travel to Kebi and while we are there. Pray that God protects us in both the physical and spiritual realm. (We have a real enemy in this world, and I guarantee that our enemy doesn't want the Kambari people to hear what we are going to tell them... because what we want to tell them will liberate them from their sin and death and will fill their lives with abundant love from Christ.)

-Pray for the hearts of the Kambari people to be opened to Christ and to us. Pray specifically that the heart of the village leader is opened and that he receives us well. (In most cases, if the village leaders accepts us, the entire village will accept us, and vice versa... so we need his approval!)

-Pray for God's grace to cover all 6 of the individuals going, so we might display Christ and His love to our fullest ability. Pray for our increased strength and wisdom all throughout the journey.

-Pray for God's blessing on all things, and that his will might be done through this outreach to a group that has yet to hear about His great love for them.

Thank you so much for your prayers... they are absolutely vital to our success. I will try to post updates on the blog as soon as we get back. Until then...

Grace and Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying fervently!

Anonymous said...

Wow...what an amazing opportunity for the six of you to follow God's calling! I will be praying intently for the safety of your group and the open hearts of this tribe.

Anonymous said...

I'm printing the prayer requests so I can pray on and off when I get free moments at work!!

Anonymous said...

Colin...jim and i have been praying for you and your team all weekend and know the LORD has done amazing things with and IN the Kambari people through your obedience and love for CHRIST. We can not wait to hear of how He has taught and protected you in the process! Thank you for allowing us to walk beside you in prayer as you share His light and love in the unreached territories of this ever shrinking world. Thanks for having beautiful feet and to God be the glory!!! Love and blessings! Tami and JIm