Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July... and the week to come

Greetings everyone! I hope you all had a great fourth of July if you did any celebrating. I actually got to partake in a 4th of July party here in Nigeria, haha! Its a long story... but basically we met a group here in Nigeria from Cincinatti, and they knew another group here from Texas who was throwing a party at their place. So we went and hung out yesterday night at the Baptist Hostel in Jos. We played some frisbee, volleyball, bochi ball... or however you spell that and had a good ol' American cookout with hamburgers and tuna salad and french fries and even no-bake cookies!! It was a little slice of heaven since I've been eating rice... and alot more rice since I've been here. We finished off the night with some HUGE sparklers... they didn't even have a wick, it just looked like a stick of gunpowder that you lit the end of and it started shooting sparks and light everywhere. So happy 4th from Nigeria! =D

This school week finished out really well. The teacher came back on Thursday but didn't resume teaching till Friday. So I taught again on Thursday, but on Friday I got to spend pretty much the entire day outside playing soccer and guitar with the kids. Someone donated a guitar to the school earlier this week, so I've been trying my best to teach a few who are interested in learning to play.

It was a blast and I got to know a lot of kids from the other classes really well. I got to have some good conversations with large groups of the kids as well as individuals. I asked them what it was like living without their parents the way they do. As I said before, we are at EMS which is the ECWA Missionary School... meaning the parents of the children there are missionaries out in the bush where their child wouldn't be able to go to school. Some of the "lucky" kids get to see their parents about once every two months. Most of them only get to see them when they are on holidays... like Christmas and Easter and for furlow which is only every couple of years. They aren't orphans, but in a sense they are since they very seldom get to see their parents. They all said that it is very hard to not be able to see their parents... as I can well imagine. I tried my best to encourage them. I took some time to tell them all how important the work their parents are doing is. I had them all imagine if they lived out in the bush and had never heard of the Bible or Jesus... they all agreed that they would want someone to come tell them about Him. I don't know how much they know about what their parents do... most of the kids don't know exactly where their parents are in Nigeria... they just see them when they come back to Jos for short periods. I had fun asking them all what they wanted to be when they grow up and encouraging them to study hard and telling them that with God's strength they could achieve anything they set their minds on. I got to spend a bit of time talking with Chalida individually and it was great! Thanks so much for all the prayers over him. God has presented me with a great opportunity to impact and encourage Chalida in his life right now. We talked alot about his parents being gone and I got to give him alot of encouragement. It was a great feeling to see him smiling and see a little bit more joy in his eyes when we were done talking. I got a funny picture of the two of us together... and what a coincidence that the other guests staying with us at the JETS guest house brought photo paper and a printer, hah! So... I will be able to print out the picture of us, and write a letter of encouragement and wisdom ( the little bit I have!) and leave it with him on our last day at the school. I hope it will be something he can turn to in times of need and be encouraged and find a reminder to seek God whenever he needs strength. We will be going back to the school on Monday and will be there all next week... so I still have alot of time to be with the kids. Continue praying for Chalida and Malachi. I hope the updates can help you better pray for them and their needs. Pray for me as well that God would directly speak through me to both of those boys and that he could use me to impart his loving words and wisdom to the children.

I'm excited for the church service tomorrow. I picked up my Nigerian outfit yesterday... and to say the least its pretty sweet! =D haha. So tomorrow morning for both of the services, I'll be rocking out in my new outfit with the worship band and choir. I'm so excited to be a part of the service and honored to join the church body in lifting up praise to our God.

Sorry to cut the blog short, but that is all for now... its about to POUR the rain, as it does about every day here. We are in the rainy season, so its expected... but I need to get my butt home before I get soaking wet. I hope all is well with everyone! Please keep praying for me. Pray for continued wisdom and strength. Pray for God to open my eyes to the opportunities that he lays before me. Pray that God would strengthen me through His Word and help me to put knowledge from the Word into practical application in my life. Until next time...

Grace and Peace ^_^


Uncle Daryl said...

Go Team Go,,,Go Team cheer for the day. I hope you and the team are safe and well.

Colin, you are an amazing young man. I am so proud of you and things you are accomplishing while you far and away. After reading your post, it seems you are a very busy busy man. I hope all is well with you and your team, hope you all had a much needed 4th celebration.

I have been reading your post to your Mamaw , she says Hi and sends her love, and hope you are eating.

Look forward to seeing your Nigerian fashions, I'm sure they will be the rave of Jos.

Be safe Colin, look forward to seeing you return home safely.

Much love and admiration,
Uncle Daryl

Anonymous said...

I got teary when your Mom read me all your blog posts, when she visited today. Not because I'm sad, but because your words were so vivid that I could image myself there at the missionary compound.

I am really impressed with all that you've been able to do and the amazing detail of your writing. It makes me feel like I am there with you. I told you, you would be a jack of all trades!

Thank Brittany for posting the picture of your new clothes with the picture of the houses in the background. It reminded me so much of home.

I have been thinking about you every week. You will always be in my prayers.