Monday, June 9, 2008

The Journey is about to begin...

If the Lord wills it, in only 6 more days I will be getting on a plane headed for Detroit. From Detroit to Amsterdam and from Amsterdam to Abuja, Nigeria. Words can't really express the anticipation and excitement I have to see what the Lord is going to do in my life over the next 8 weeks.

I created this blog for all the supporters I have here in the states. I couldn't be going on this trip without the financial and prayer support all of you have given me. I am blessed beyond what I can even understand, so thank you all so much! =)

I will try my best to post regularly while I am in Jos and the other places I will be traveling in Nigeria. I hope to keep everyone updated with stories, pictures, and most importantly prayer requests while I am gone. You all will be able to send messages to me as well through this blog and/or email. I look forward to hearing from you all while I'm gone, have a blessed day!

In Christ

1 comment:

Mischler said...

Just wanted to say I'm proud of you, man. I know it sounds cheesy but I don't care, haha. I have found in moving to NKU from a Christian College that just by showing someone that you care about them and that you're interested in their life can give them hope and make them realize that there is something better out there than just the day to day life they're living. I believe that the best form of evangelism is by simply befriending someone who needs a friend.

On that note I would encourage you to make 1 or 2 good friends from the natives that you can teach and inspire. Show them that you care about their lives and explain what love is. I learned at CCU that if you will just treat others as Christ did then they will ask you about Him when the time is right for them. This assures that you are not "forcing the Bible down their throat."

Then when it is your time to come back to the States you can have faith that they will carry on what they've learned throughout their lives (the concept of "pay it forward" is one of the best tools of Christian evangelism).

I have no doubt that you knew this already but I wanted to make sure that you utilize this knowledge while you're over there. I have always had a problem with the way some people teach the Word of God. Live the Word, show the Word, and by doing this you will teach the Word.

I am glad to see you have found your own faith and I can't wait to see the differences you make while you are there.

Your brother from another mother,