Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Headed to ECWA Seminary/JETS

I'm packing up all my stuff tonight and Brittany and myself will be headed to our new housing tomorrow. Derek and Chuck will be leaving us as well, so its just us two amigos until chuck returns in July. Today was a work day... more so for Chuck than us, but it was good. I started working on another song today that titled "faith like a child"... its a work in progress. So... tomorrow will be a busy day filled with lots of new places and people, which is always exciting =)

I would ask for everyones continued prayer support. Pray for the safety of Chuck and Derek as they leave Nigeria over the next few days. Pray for guidance for brittany and myself as we enter into alot of new things. Pray for our success in Christ in whatever we do find ourselves doing. Thanks so much everyone, sorry this entry was short... but its only been one day!

I am very excited about the weeks to come. I have gotten to help do a lot of good work, but I haven't been able to serve extensively yet... which is what I really love to do. I have gotten to spectate a lot of things the past week and alot of Nigerians have welcomed and served us. So now, its time for me to get my hands dirty and do what I was created to do... serve =) Love you guys, thanks for keeping up with the blog. God Bless!

Grace and Peace

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